- 2023 Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology, Cornell University (Expected)
- 2020 M.A. in Developmental Psychology, Cornell University
- 2017 M.Sc. in Psychology, Heidelberg University
- 2015 - 2016 Exchange Student & Fulbright Scholar, Cornell University
- 2014 B.Sc. in Psychology, Heidelberg University
Professional and Research Experience
- 2017 - present
- Department of Human Development, Cornell University
- Healthy Aging Laboratory (Prof. Corinna E. Löckenhoff) – Advisee
- 2020 - present
- Department of Human Development, Cornell University
- Graduate research assistant to Prof. Karl A. Pillemer
- 2017
- Department of Pure Mathematics & Math. Statistics, University of Cambridge
- Winton Centre for Risk & Evidence Communication (Prof. D. Spiegelhalter)
- Summer research scholar
- 2016
- Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford
- Cognition and Health Research Group (Prof. Maryanne Martin)
- Academic visitor
- Department of Psychology, Harvard University
- Clinical and Developmental Psychology Lab (Prof. Matthew K. Nock)
- Research intern
- 2015 - 2016
- Department of Human Development, Cornell University
- Rational Decision Making Laboratory (Prof. Valerie F. Reyna) – Advisee
- Health & Medical Decision Making Team – Research team leader
- 2013 - 2017
- Department of Psychology, Heidelberg University, Germany
- Decision Making and Problem-Solving Lab (Prof. Joachim Funke)
- Research assistant
- 2013
- Marie-Curie ITN Program, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
- ‘Towards an Embodied Science of Intersubjectivity’ (Prof. Thomas Fuchs)
- Research intern
- Alzheimer’s Society, London, UK
- Research intern to Matthew Murray, Dr. Douglas Brown, Dr. James Pickett
Journal Articles
- Under review
- Nolte, J., Deng, S. L., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (under review). Age differences in media consumption and avoidance with respect to COVID-19.
- Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., & Reyna, V. F. (under review). Compliance with mass marketing solicitation: The role of verbatim and gist processing.
- Nolte, J., Hanoch, Y., Wood, S. A., & Hengerer, D. (under review). Susceptibility to COVID-19 scams: Does age matter?
- Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (under review). Is reliance on the affect heuristic associated with age?
- Nolte, J., Löckenhoff, C. E., & Reyna, V. F. (under review). The implications of information type for age differences in information seeking and decision making.
- 2018
- Cozmuta, R., Wilhelms, E. A., Cornell, D., Nolte, J., Reyna, V. F., & Fraenkel, L. (2018). The influence of explanatory images on risk perceptions and treatment preference. Arthritis Care and Research, 70(11), 1707–1711.
- Fraenkel, L., Reyna, V. F., Cozmuta, R., Cornell, D., Nolte, J., & Wilhelms, E. A. (2018). Do visual aids influence patients’ risk perceptions for rare and very rare risks? Patient Education and Counseling, 101(11), 1900–1905.
Other Articles
- 2021
- Nolte, J.(2021). Ageing in an information age: Age differences in acquisition and avoidance tendencies. Ageing in Europe Newsletter.
- Pillemer, K. A., Cope, M. T., & Nolte, J. (2021). Older people and action on climate change: A powerful but under-utilized resource. Commissioned report for HealthAge International.
- 2020
- Nolte, J. (2020). How to practice “safe failure”. Inside Higher Education.
- Nolte, J. (2020). Why comparing yourself to other graduate students is counter-productive. Nature.
- Nolte, J. (2020). Unexpected lessons from conducting research with older adults. Journal of Stories in Science.
Book Chapters
- 2022
- Nolte, J., & Turker, H. B. (2022). Involving older adults in the data analysis process. In A. Urbaniak & A. Wanka (Eds.), Doing ageing research together: Innovative perspectives on participatory approaches. Routledge.
- 2021
- Nolte, J., & Turker, H. B. (2021). Teaching students how to effectively take notes. In K. Armstrong, L. Genova, J. W. Greenlee, & D. Samuel (Eds.), Teaching gradually: Practical pedagogy for graduate students, by graduate students (pp. 18–24). Stylus Publishing.
- 2020
- Yip, A. P. W., Nolte, J., & Löckenhoff, C. E. (2020). Aging across the world: The interplay of demographic, economic, historical, and cultural factors. In A. Drolet & C. Yoon (Eds.), The aging consumer: Perspectives from psychology and marketing, Routledge.
- 2019
- Nolte, J., Garavito, D. M. N., & Reyna, V. F. (2019). Decision making. In R. J. Sternberg & J. Funke (Eds.), The psychology of human thought (pp. 177–198). Heidelberg University Press.
- 2018
- Meschkow, A. S., Nolte, J., Garavito, D. M. G., Helm, R. K., Weldon, R. B., & Reyna, V. F. (2018). Risk taking. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), SAGE encyclopedia of lifespan human development (pp. 1861–1865). SAGE Publications, Inc.
- 2017
- Brust-Renck, P. G., Nolte, J., & Reyna, V. F. (2017). Numeracy in health and risk messaging. In S. Parrott (Ed.), The Oxford encyclopedia of health and risk message design and processing (pp. 1–36). Oxford University Press